
Archive for September 30th, 2010



-“A squirrel is just a rat with a fancier outfit”
                -carrie bradshaw, Sex and The City
Any Sex and The City fans out there? Uh, I love, love, love, Sex and The City!! I own the entire DVD set and the first movie. I am waiting for the second to come out on DVD. (of course I saw it in the theatre, WHOO HOO!)
Ok, this entry isn’t about Carrie Bradshaw and her kickass girlfriends…it is actually about Negative people. Negativity seems to be a hot topic right now. My girlfriends and I have talked about it a lot this season and how negativity can effect your life and your runs.
I don’t think there is one person on earth that hasn’t dealt with negative comments from others. It is almost inevitable to have someone around you that will be spewing negative comments at some point. We can’t control other people (Wouldn’t it be nice if we could at times?? haha!) but we absolutely can control how those comments affect our day to day life.
The rodeo family is a different world sometimes. Lets face it, it is a COMPETITION! If we weren’t competitive people then we wouldn’t spend hours in the arena practicing, or hours watching videos of ourselves trying to get better. Rodeo is hard and it is a major commitment.  In the arena, we are all competing with each other but, what makes us a bit different, is that when we leave that arena, most of the time we are friends and family with the people we JUST competed against.  I love that camaraderie and the familiarities of hanging at the trailer and talking about our runs or rides.
Of course, lets get real,  every person you come in contact with in the arena is not your friend. Some are rats dressed like squirrels! You know who I am talking about……..they look nice and seem nice but they love to throw those jabs with that cutesy smile. UGGHH………makes you want to slap somebody! Of course, you can do what my grandmother would always say, “kill them with kindness my dear”.  As much as I HATED to hear this as a child, lets face it….grandmothers are normally right and when dealing with people that seem to get a thrill in trying to make you feel bad…….it is good to just smile and walk way.
Although, some are not nice enough to disguise themselves as squirrels. You know the ones. They proudly walk around as a RAT!! They hide behind nothing and have no problem saying when you screw up, how bad your ride was, how horrible you ride or how stupid you look…….Let me tell you how I deal with these people…I DON’T!!!!!! Be choosy about your life!!! Remember, it is YOUR life. I have definitely cut people out of my life because of their drama and negativity. I made a stance years ago that I wasnt’ going to allow it around me and I haven’t. What that meant for me was culling some friends and family and by damn I did. I have cut some ties with some family members and some friends. Some people may think that is extreme, but for MY life, it is what makes sense. 🙂 Find what works for you!!
I also think that in order to deal well with others, you have to work on yourself. I try to do this every day and I know it is hard but I think it is a must to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself and anyone else in your life.  When you know who you are then it is harder for negative comments to affect you. If you KNOW that you want to get healthy and lose weight and someone around you is saying to you “no you can’t” then you just say in your mind “yes, I CAN!” Remember who you are and don’t let that person bring you down!
These are just some ways that I get through the negative comments. Of course a corona and a lime seems to fix a lot, too, and for some reason makes me be able to handle more. Is it just me or does Corona have that effect on your as well?
How do you deal with negativity?

Until Next Time!

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